I bet you're playing ADC bot right now and your jung ran mid, died, then typed into all chat "AFK open mid." You're mad right? This was supposed to be your last round before bed and now you're raging. It's impossible to sleep after that right? I mean who could relax after having a jungler rage quit when everything was going so well before it became a 4v5?
What if I told you this Blueberry Lemon flavored drink was so good it might make you AFK too? Not only does it taste incredible but it can probably help calm those nerves after a heated match. The bonus to this is you can be anywhere when you AFK and you won't get banned for it.
Why put your account on the line when you can AFK safely and in style with GGs AFK sleep support? Just keep in mind to AFK in a safe environment while not operating that monster of a PC you have. Yeah that's right, I see your PC... Nice.
Anyway, while you're frustrated about your jungler, I'll be AFK.
Ps. get the cup.
After testing the varying flavors of the sample pack, I did notice a good boost of energy after and did feel better over all. My favorite flavor was the pineapple but I will say all the flavors do have a vitamin aftertaste which prevents it from a 5 star rating.
The art is great, and the flavors in the sampler are also great! Always wanted to get into energy drinks, and this was a good first impression!
The flavor isn’t too bad, just honestly not a big fan of it. Would recommend though for anyone who does enjoy those flavors.